Source code for cloudify_rest_client.executions

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[docs]class Execution(dict): """Cloudify workflow execution.""" TERMINATED = 'terminated' FAILED = 'failed' CANCELLED = 'cancelled' PENDING = 'pending' STARTED = 'started' CANCELLING = 'cancelling' FORCE_CANCELLING = 'force_cancelling' END_STATES = [TERMINATED, FAILED, CANCELLED] def __init__(self, execution): self.update(execution) @property
[docs] def id(self): """ :return: The execution's id. """ return self.get('id')
[docs] def deployment_id(self): """ :return: The deployment's id this execution is related to. """ return self.get('deployment_id')
[docs] def status(self): """ :return: The execution's status. """ return self.get('status')
[docs] def error(self): """ :return: The execution error in a case of failure, otherwise None. """ return self.get('error')
[docs] def workflow_id(self): """ :return: The id of the workflow this execution represents. """ return self.get('workflow_id')
[docs] def parameters(self): """ :return: The execution's parameters """ return self.get('parameters')
[docs] def created_at(self): """ :return: The execution creation time. """ return self.get('created_at')
[docs]class ExecutionsClient(object): def __init__(self, api): self.api = api
[docs] def list(self, deployment_id=None, _include=None): """Returns a list of executions. :param deployment_id: Optional deployment id to get executions for. :param _include: List of fields to include in response. :return: Executions list. """ uri = '/executions' params = None if deployment_id: params = {'deployment_id': deployment_id} response = self.api.get(uri, params=params, _include=_include) return [Execution(item) for item in response]
[docs] def get(self, execution_id, _include=None): """Get execution by its id. :param execution_id: Id of the execution to get. :param _include: List of fields to include in response. :return: Execution. """ assert execution_id uri = '/executions/{0}'.format(execution_id) response = self.api.get(uri, _include=_include) return Execution(response)
[docs] def update(self, execution_id, status, error=None): """Update execution with the provided status and optional error. :param execution_id: Id of the execution to update. :param status: Updated execution status. :param error: Updated execution error (optional). :return: Updated execution. """ uri = '/executions/{0}'.format(execution_id) params = {'status': status} if error: params['error'] = error response = self.api.patch(uri, data=params) return Execution(response)
[docs] def start(self, deployment_id, workflow_id, parameters=None, allow_custom_parameters=False, force=False): """Starts a deployment's workflow execution whose id is provided. :param deployment_id: The deployment's id to execute a workflow for. :param workflow_id: The workflow to be executed id. :param parameters: Parameters for the workflow execution. :param allow_custom_parameters: Determines whether to allow parameters which weren't defined in the workflow parameters schema in the blueprint. :param force: Determines whether to force the execution of the workflow in a case where there's an already running execution for this deployment. :raises: IllegalExecutionParametersError :return: The created execution. """ assert deployment_id assert workflow_id data = { 'deployment_id': deployment_id, 'workflow_id': workflow_id, 'parameters': parameters, 'allow_custom_parameters': str(allow_custom_parameters).lower(), 'force': str(force).lower() } uri = '/executions' response =, data=data, expected_status_code=201) return Execution(response)
[docs] def cancel(self, execution_id, force=False): """Cancels the execution which matches the provided execution id. :param execution_id: Id of the execution to cancel. :param force: Boolean describing whether to send a 'cancel' or a 'force-cancel' action # NOQA :return: Cancelled execution. """ uri = '/executions/{0}'.format(execution_id) action = 'force-cancel' if force else 'cancel' response =, data={'action': action}, expected_status_code=201) return Execution(response)